Beer flag flies with National Flags | Murray Lloyd Photography


DBDraftbeer signsml

Tino Rangatira, New Zealand, Australia, United States..... and DB Draught? The inclusion suggests the brand sees itself as imparting national identity. I am not sure it will be in consideration for the intended NZ flag redesign.

Dwali Festival Food in Wgtn | Murray Lloyd Photography


Flag flying at Dwali Festival in Wgtn, New Zealand.

For a slice of India in Wellington you could go to a restaurant but a more authentic experience is the local Diwali Festival held each year in Wellington and Auckland. Although nicknamed the 'festival of lights', for me the undoubted highlight is the food and the frenzy that goes with it.

Food at Dwali Festival in Wellington.

Food at Dwali Festival in Wellington.

Food being served at Dwali Festival in Wellington.

Food being served at Dwali Festival in Wellington.

Dancers at Dwali Festival in Wellington.

Women admiring saris at Dwali Festival, Wellington