Te Mata Wine, Te Mata Cheese, Te Mata Peak may all be names recognizable to Hawkes Bay visitors and residents but Te Mata Orchard less so. Only a stone's throw from the Te Mata Cheesery, the orchard is an organic operation growing apples, pears and plums. Ian Kiddle, who has hosted me on a couple of occasions exports produce and also supplies the Pure Fresh brand seen in New Zealand supermarkets. The domestic organic market in NZ is worth about $350 million (at last count) and more than half that value is exported. Evidence is mounting the world wants sustainable produce.
Granny Smith apples growing on tree
Walnuts and Granny Smith Apples | Murray Lloyd Photography
Expecting to find handfuls of ripe Damson plums on our tree recently I was shocked to find an empty tree, footsteps underneath and a plastic shopping bag flapping around. Security has been discussed subsequently (has anyone got suggestions?). At least the Granny Smiths and walnuts are still to look forward to. This post has recipes for walnuts.